Maya Sneak Peek {Alpharetta Newborn Marietta Photography}

WOW! That’s about all I can say. I am absolutely in love with the shots of Maya with her awesome parents!  <3

As beautiful and chubby as she was, she was one feisty newborn for me. She was probably one of the most difficult babies I’ve ever had. She was two weeks overdue, so that probably has a lot to do with it. She was more like a 3-week-old :)

I could talk all day about how much I love her daddy’s tattoos and the cool one her mom has on her upper arm. Just makes for some really amazing photos. It was definitely a nice change when I saw them, because this is definitely different from the usual mom and dad in t-shirts. Nothing wrong with that at all, and that’s how I would look myself, but it’s nice as an artist to have some deviation from the usual here and there :)

Can’t wait to see little Maya again, even though she made me WORK for these shots ;)

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