Wow! I had so much fun with this family. A couple of months ago a sweet woman from Maryland contacted me and told me she just had to have me take pix of her large family when she came to town at Christmastime. It was very important to her to get some photos of the entire family with her mother, and I couldn’t resist her request — even at Christmas. I could tell that the photos would be very precious to her, so I couldn’t decline and decided to make it work during the busy holiday time.
I took a billion photos of them all together to make SURE that I got everyone smiling and looking their best. I’m happy to report I only had to do 2 head swaps on the photo of the entire family together, and I couldn’t be more pleased with it. I absolutely love it, and I almost teared up editing it while listening to some of my favorite songs. Seeing this family all together and happy and knowing how much this photo will mean to all of them in the years and even decades to come really makes my job so worth it. Sometimes photography can be monotonous and very routine, and sometimes I forget that while not all clients truly value photography that most of these photos that I take will be priceless and treasured.
I decided to hold off on posting any more of the indoor family shots so that they have some surprises! But WOW…that photo of Kylie on the swing stopped me in my tracks. I couldn’t decide whether I liked it in color or black and white more. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! So beautiful!